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《研究生综合英语 1 修订版》_曾道明,陆效用主编_96022920_9787309058703

【书名】:《研究生综合英语 1 修订版》



Unit One

Text An Image or a Mirage?

Further Reading Success Breeds Success

Speaking Skills Talking About Impressions

Unit Two

Text Is Love an Art?

Further Reading The Future of Love: Kiss Romance Goodbye, It’s Time for the Real Thing

Speaking Skills How to Express Love

Unit Three

Text The Ant and the Grasshopper

Further Reading The Verger

Speaking Skills Pursuing Objectives in Life

Unit Four

Text We’ve Got Mail — Always

Further Reading The Museum of Me

Speaking Skills Talking About E-mail and Internet

Unit Five

Text Solve That Problem — with Humor

Further Reading The Having-a-Sense -of-Humor Image

Speaking Skills On Sense of Humor

Unit Six

Text The Media and the Ethics of Cloning

Further Reading If We Have It, Do We Use It?

Speaking Skills Talking About Medical Ethics

Unit Seven

Text The Trying Twenties

Further Reading Predictable Crises of Adulthood

Speaking Skills Talking About Growing Pains of the Young People

Unit Eight

Text The Business World as a Hunting Ground

Further Reading You Men Want It Both Ways!

Speaking Skills Talking About Sex Roles

Unit Nine

Text Why We Don’t Complain?

Further Reading The Fine Art of Complaining

Speaking Skills Making and Responding to Complaints

Unit Ten

Text The Virtues of Ambition

Further Reading How “Average” People Excel

Speaking Skills Ambition: Root of Achievement