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Chapter One Introduction

1 1 Background of the Research

1.2 Significance of the Study

1.2.1 Learning Context

1.2.2 College Context

1.2.3 Military Context

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Foreign Language Learning Strategies

2.1.1 Overview of Language Learning Strategies

2.1.2 Taxonomies of Language Learning Strategies O'Malley and Chomot's Category Oxford's Taxonomy

2.2 Vocabulary Learning Strategies

2.2.1 Language Learning Strategies vs. Vocabulary Learning Strategies

2.2.2 Taxonomies of Vocabulary Learning Strategies

2.3 Prior Empirical Research on Vocabulary Learning Strategies

2.3.1 Schmitt's Study

2.3.2 Gu and Johnson's Study

2.3.3 Wu Xia and Wang Qiang's Study

2.3.4 Wang Wenyu's Study

2.3.5 Limitations of Previous Studies

2.4 Purpose of This Study

Chapter Three Theoretical Frame

3.1 Metacognitive Strategies

3.1.1 Metacognition

3.1.2 The Definition of M etacognitive Strategies

3.1.3 The Classification of Metacognitive Strategies

3.2 Cognitive Perspectives on Language Learning

3.2.1 Hypothesis-Testing Theory The Definition of Hypothesis-Testing Theory The Process of Hypothesis-Testing

3.2.2 Levels of Processing Framework

3.2.3 Involvement Load Hypothesis

3.2.4 Repetition or Rehearsal

3.2.5 Noticing Hypothesis

3.2.6 Functions of Note-Taking

Chapter Four The Empirical Study

4.1 The Pilot Study

4.1.1 Purpose

4.1.2 Participants

4.1.3 Instrument

4.1.4 Procedures

4.2 The Main Study

4.2.1 Research Questions

4.2.2 Subjects

4.2.3 Instruments

4.2.4 Procedure

Chapter Five Results and Discussion

5.1 0verview of the Empirical Study

5.2 Cadets' Vocabulary Learning Beliefs,Strategies and Learning Outcomes

5.3 Strategies Used Between Successful Learners and Less Successful Learners

5.4 Different Context in Strategy Use

Chapter Six Effectiveness of Metacognitive Strategies Training

6.1 Purpose

6.2 Framework of the Metacognitive Strategies Training

6.3 Participants

6.4 Group Design

6.4.1 Group Design

6.4.2 Advantages of This Design

6.5 Instruments

6.6 Experimental Schedule

6.7 Data Collection,Analyses and Discussion

6.7.1 Data Collection,Analyses and Discussion of the Vocabulary Tests Data Collection and Analyses Data Discussion

6.7.2 Data Collection,Analyses and Discussion of the Questionnaire Results ofPre-Treatment Questionnaire Results of Post-Treatment Questionnaire Data Discussion of the Questionnaire

6.7.3 Correlation Analysis between Metacogni tive Strategies and VocabularyProficiency

6.7.4 Major Findings

Chapter Seven Effectiveness of Guessing and Bidic Strategies Training

7.1 Purpose

7.2 Framework of the Guessing Strategy Training

7.3 Framework of the Strategy Training of Consulting a Bilingualized Dictionary

7.4 Participants

7.5 Method

7.5.1 Passages Selected for the Experiment

7.5.2 Target Words for Testing

7.5.3 Task Design

7.5.4 Procedures and Tests

7.6 Data Collection,Analyses and Discussion

7.6.1 Data Collection and Analyses

7.6.2 Data Discussion

Chapter Eight Effectiveness of Note-Taking Strategy Training

8 1 Purpose

8.2 Framework of the Note-Taking Strategy Training

8.3 Experiment One

8.3.1 Participants

8.3.2 Group Design Group Design Advantages of This Design

8.3.3 Target Words and Expressions

8.3.4 Experimental Schedule

8.3.5 Test

8.3.6 Data Collection and Analyses Data Collection and Analyses of Test One Data Collection and Analyses of Test Two

8.4 Experiment Two

8.4.1 Participants

8.4.2 Group Design Group Design Advantages of This Design

8.4.3 Target Words and Expressions

8.4.4 Experimental Schedule

8.4.5 Test

8.4.6 Data Collection,Analyses and Discussion Data Collection and Analyses of Test One Data Collection and Analyses of Test Two

8.5 Major Findings

Chapter Nine Conclusions and Suggestions

9.1 Conclusions

9.2 Implications

9.3 Limitations

9.4 Recommendations


Appendix A

Appendix B

Appendix C

Appendix D

Appendix E

Appendix F

Appendix G

Appendix H